Logistics: Ensuring the required product is delivered to your end user in a safe and timely manner. Both from an exporter and importer view.
Within this statement lies the whole essence of supply chain management and ACF have it all covered. With more than 50 years’ experience at the coal face you can be assured of our best service.
Basic to any logistical system is a knowledge of product. ACF has a basic template that the manufacturer is required to supply. This forms the basis of ensuring required product is delivered to the end user conforming to all export and import regulations from when product is exported to or imported from overseas.
Included in the logistical criteria is the handling of cross border implications. We have learned many issues can arise but we know how to eliminate them and save you the client time and money.
ACF will assist manufacturers obtaining necessary codification-certification of products that allow products to be exported from Australia or imported and more importantly, that determine applicable duties in the destination country, thus ensuring a smooth passage through borders and issues you may encounter in exporting importing products or consumables.